In an attempt to ease the minds of our teachers before the full digital conversion starts next school year, we held a half day digital conversion inservice. We spent our first hour of the day giving the teachers the "meat and potatoes" of next year's conversion. We explained the Schoology Resource file that is housing all of our materials.
We also made classroom resources for teachers and I even added some custom color schemes because I know that we teachers love our classroom themes. The posters were designed in primary designs as well so that even our littlest learners can take responsibility for their own learning!
I have included some examples below.
Our second hour was a "scavenger hunt" through the classrooms of our pilot 1:1 teachers. The teachers labeled examples of different ISTE standards demonstrated in their student work. There were also scenarios posted in each room that gave real-life examples of ISTE standards in action. Below is an example of one of the scenarios and the ISTE standards that were addressed.
The third hour was devoted to collaboration between teachers to create/plan some kind of system or product that would help them or benefit their team in the new school year. Many teams worked on management systems for their devices and programs. One kindergarten team designed a virtual field trip activity that addressed American locations that correlated to a story that is in our Wonders reading program. They even designed a "tour book" with questions about the Golden Gate Bridge, Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, etc.
Our teachers are doing great things with the ISTE standards in their classrooms and I hope to continue highlighting them as the school year goes on.