As the 2016-2017 school year comes to an end, my school district is reflecting on the 1:1 technology pilot program that has been underway in grades 2-5. We have learned so much on this journey including the ever popular lesson learned -- pace yourself. There are SO MANY fun, fantastic, convenient apps and programs out there and available to teachers and students. Which one to use?
This is an exciting question when you have teachers that have volunteered to pilot a 1:1 initiative, have laptops available to all of the students in their classrooms, are told "go with it" and are thrilled to do so. What happens when you tell all of the other teachers that they will also have this opportunity?
For some, they will be as excited and the itinitial group. And for is a terrifying new frontier.
In my position as K-5 Instructional Specialist, it is my job to help ease this transition. There have been facutly meetings discussing the upcoming changes, a full afternoon of sharing between the "veterans" of digital conversion and the brave new entrants. In order to give our colleagues a starting point I created a "Top Tech" handout. We polled the current teachers and asked what their "go-to" web sites and apps are. See belowfor the results!