
Sunday, October 23, 2016

5 for Friday (2 days late)

 I am participating in this week's 5 for Friday hosted by Doodle Bugs Teaching!  I am a former vigilant blogger that is hopping back in the saddle with my new blog and a new position in my district!  Come over and follow!

I have stepped out of the classroom for a couple of years to work in a new position as an Instructional Specialist.  I have started a NEW blog to chronicle all of the exciting things that my new job gives me the opportunity to do!  Follow me!

I have a Senior.  I can't believe it really.  The reality hits pretty hard when you are standing on the court during Senior Night.  Nate has played for his school's volleyball program for 6 years so it was a pretty great accomplishment.  I didn't cry.......much.

Did I mention that I have a Senior????  On top of attending the first of 4 Senior nights this year, I got his Senior pictures today.  I must have blinked.

Click HERE to visit Amazon
Have you read this book yet?  I am running a book study with a group of teachers in my district and we are focusing on this book.  We are learning how to integrate technology into classrooms.  I am traveling to Buffalo this week to see one of the authors speak about this book and am really excited to come back and share some great ideas!  I will be blogging about the conference and about each chapter as we journey through the school year.  Click on the image if you would like to purchase it from Amazon!

Tis the season for pumpkin..........everything........
This is a rough time of year for those of us that do not like pumpkin.........anything..........

Alas, soon it will be peppermint time. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Amplify Book Study

Currently in my district we are embarking on a 1:1 /2:1 technology initiative.  We have a core group of teachers in grades 2-5 that are piloting a 1:1 classroom experience.  These teachers have 1:1 laptop computers, some are experimenting with alternative seating options and the Instructional Specialists provide training and support formally once a month and informally, whenever they need it!

In order to provide some professional development and get some great new ideas, we are also doing a book study on this great book, Amplify: Digital Teaching and Learning in the K-6 Classroom by Katie Muhtaris and Kristen Ziemke.  We will be tackling one chapter a month and implementing and sharing ideas from the "3 Things to Try Tomorrow" section.  

Stay posted for some great ideas and sharing!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

A New Beginning

The beginning of the school year brought a new beginning for me.  I have been teaching first grade for all but 3 of the last 13 years of my teaching career. This year I decided to interview for a different position within my district.

This June I packed up my entire classroom (why did I hoard all that stuff??) and moved it home and took on the TOSA position of K-5 Instructional Specialist.  It has been a challenging and exciting adventure.  I get to work with all of the extremely talented K-5 teachers in our district and am learning about things that in past years, I would just put on a "to think about" list.

There is definitely a learning curve though. My brain hurts at the end of the day.  I wonder if I will ever learn all of the things that I need to know to do my job? I am not bringing papers home to grade but instead am on the internet looking for resources for teachers or professionally reading to keep myself up on the latest and the best new methods and innovations.  I even had the opportunity, with my incredible co-worker, to write up a proposal for a national conference!

I want to take the 2 years that I am in this position to make a difference.  Make a difference to me, my family and my profession.  I have used blogging as a way to communicate to families and fellow classroom teachers. I have used blogging as a way to help my first graders understand the concept of globalization.  I will now use this familiar platform to share all of the wonderful things that are happening in my new job with a new audience.

Thanks for joining me on this new adventure!